An interactive public art project on a mission to interview everyone in New York City with the same three questions:

  • What are you proud of?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • What gives you hope?

COLLABORATORS: Manuel Toscano, Jenna Robles, Julia Bessler, Kyle Robertson, Byron Sorrells, Tim Hanus, Allan Bendy, Jennifer Orbom, Brett Zaccardi, Veronica Cavallaro, Naomi Hirabayashi, and Sheniqua Lewis


                                                                                                                                                                                              The inspiration for Interview New York was to engage people to create media about themselves and their families, record personal stories, and sharing in a safe fun environment, connecting neighbors within a neighborhood, and people across the city.

The videos were user generated, except for the first hundred, shot by our volunteer team to seed the website, and tagged by geography as well as whatever the poster decides to tag them with.